Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is the story of a skateboard that's being abandoned by it's owner. One day a mouse called Bobby sneaked into his room and went running around.Bobby then met another mouse in the room called Rico,then both of them challenge to a race.While running Bobby tripped and flew right onto the skateboard and skated all around the room and flew out of the window when it got hit onto something hard.
Board-i'll be using the extrude tool to create the bend on the front and back of the board.
wheel-Using the boolean tool to create the hole for the screw.
Truck-Using extruding and boolean tools to create.
I'll be using these picture for reference
Different views
I found this tutorial on the grip texture of the skateboard that i think will be usefull

I also found this tutorial on how to assemble the skate truck and i think it would help me greatly

Sunday, November 27, 2011

This is my first time trying out texturings 3D objects,at first i thought adding colours was already enough but when i was introduced to this, i got addicted to it and i kept on trying out new things.

For the wall practice,i was puzzled when i was adjusting the material about why it isn't what i expected,but when i rendered the wall, it turns out great.So i then realise what we see in the view is not the actual thing itself, and can even adjust the lightings and other stuffs to make it look better.
The texture used for the blocks are kinda special and new to me, not used to it when it was still in perspective view,but i still turn out great after rendering.

For the track,i used the ramp texture which i find it simpler and interesting to use,it's basically
like a gradient tool to blend the colours.

The cardboard is the one that makes me really worried when i tried doing it, because the texture in the perspective view is totally different from what i chose,but then i rendered it in the end,it all makes sense.

For the bucket i learnt an faster way to apply diff colours of the same texture,simply by duplicating the material and changing the colours.

Rendered pictures

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Does multi-tasking give you a real or false sense of having accomplished something?

I feel that multitasking gives me a feeling of having accomplished something. It makes me feel as if I can complete a lot of things at one go. But through all these studying and doing assignments till now,i found out that it's not the case. I always tell myself that I am good at multitask, but in fact, I'm not. I tried using my laptop during classes and it seems that I am not able to remember and understands what the teacher is saying.I tend to check on my Facebook every now and then for updates when I am working on my assignment. This is causing unnecessary distraction. My submission got delayed and I can’t focus while working on my assignment. I decided to shut everything down and yes, I manage to complete it on time.This proves that multi-tasking gives a false sense of having accomplished something as no one is able to get multiple things done perfectly right.

Is learning 3D and design different from learning programming, or is all learning the same? Why?

I feel that learning 3D and design is different with programming. 3D and design is about designing objects by looking at them from different point of views. It requires creativity and understanding of the object's characteristics. For programming, it means that you are using technologies or software applications to make something work. It is often accomplished by using codings. All learning may or may not be the same, depends on how you apply the method used for your own learning.

Extracts from “Thinking Outside the Traditional 3D Mindset“ by Pete Bandstra.

The article states that “Learning is actually a very complex operation for an individual”. Do you agree with this? Do you feel that you approach your learning in the best way – if yes, how, and if no, how can you change your work style?

Yes,agree to this. It makes one’s mind to think a lot, stress their brain to understand. And during the process lots of brain cells are killed.

I have a couple of modules or subjects to take. If I do not understand what I am learning, I will not know how to start my homework or how I should study for my modules.

I feel that I am not learning in the best way. I only study when exams are near, and i will check my Facebook and Twitter during lesson and not listening to class.I should try to get used to the habit of listening in class and revising whenever I have the free time. Also, I should try to do some practices in order for me to experience these situations.

The Chronicle of Higher Education

What are your thoughts about the last paragraph in the extract?

I agree to one of the point that was stated in the extract.

"Communication is important and the ability to communicate well with other teams members is an ongoing struggle."

Indeed, communication is a important factor that must be emphasis in a team. Without it, there will be breakdown, conflict among group members might even happen.I feel that students do not necessarily have to have the talent and the personality to fit in with the team. As long as we do our work properly with much effort, people will respect us as what we are. We do not need to bother about what others might think of us.

Should your lecturers also focus on your work attitude, or just leave you to sink or swim on your own? Why?

Lecturers should do both at the right timing. Why lecturers need to focus on our work attitude is because they can lead the students, guiding them so that the student won’t get lost in what they are doing and working on the wrong direction. If they are not there to help us, we probably would not do any work or even know what is the correct thing to do. As for me, I sometimes prefer to get help from the lecturers rather than being stuck on a problem. This is because the lecturers know better than us as to what we are suppose to do.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I find both exercises kind of simple,both uses the same technique of creating a profile to create an object.I find reference image very useful as is saves me alot of time to get the correct scales.I also added in colours to make my object look much nicer .
I also tried out the bucket project and i experience quite a number of problems.Firstly the instructions were not very clear,some measurements is wrong and the handle is diffcult to create.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Toy train
I spent a very long time to model the blocks because I had to use the different techniques such as beveling, or changing the shapes into something else. I could not follow the instructions well, therefore I have tried many times to finish these blocks.All these techniques used are very new to me therefore i have learn a lot that i feel would help me in future practices.Eventually, when i managed to model the blocks, I applied similar techniques to model out a train. Thus, the train was easy for me to do.

Making the gear I find it quite simple and interesting,i didn't face much dificulties in doing it and thus i like my end product.

Old and Torn Box
I find this very challenging and hard to do,this is the first time i did so much on the different things like edges,vertexs,faces.I find the PDF file quite unclear as i tried many times on this assignment.