Friday, February 24, 2012

End of IN3D

Well, finally it's the end of IN3D
                    Of course what i'm gonna say now is that i LOVED 3D ALOT, be it normal modeling or basic animation,i still like it.Although i may get stuck at some concepts, but i still manage to put it through. Well maybe what people say about not giving up is right i guess?HAHAHA but i'm not gonna stop right here, i'm gonna continue modeling if i have the time.
                                                                                                                                            Lester P04

End of Project 2

Hi, finally my animation is done, but i'm not very happy about it, I believe that it could be better.

Points that i think i can improve on.
-Timing( I find my animation too fast and not consistent.I could have done a keyframes list as a guide)
-Ball(I find my squash not very realistic and my stretch isn't done very well)
-Graph editor(I still not very familiar with the graph editor yet, every time i want to change the wave length,i have to try quite a few times to get what i wanted)

Overall,i find my animation looks like a rushed output.
But well...i should be proud of my work i guess?hahhaha
Ok overall it's good but if never did my squash& stretch and texturings,
i think my result wouldn't be good.

Project 2 progression

Ok now it's time to start animating.

Did you see the new 'look' of my models?Hehe 
i find the textures abit boring so i added in new colors and textures
But before i set any keyframes first, i'll have to Parent it with my cargoboxes

Now you see the difference of the Weight in the attributes channels?

It is actually just like a kind of 'force' to be able to 
attract and undo the cargo box or the object that is is being parented to.
But before setting the weight a blank keyframe is needed, this is to make 
sure it doesn't affects the other keyframes

After animating the crane and the boxes, now the ball comes in.

I find the bounce not very realistic, so i have to adjust the tension using the graph editor.

And the squash effects i important too, but because the ball bounces 
quite a few times, so i have to parent it with the ball

And at every bounce,i set it to either -0.2 or -0.3 as i find it very natural.

And to add on, i added in PointLight as i would like the focus to be on the crane.
Although it doesn't have any bonus marks but i still want it to look beautiful

And Done :)

Project 2 Progression

Hi, i'm starting to work on my project 2 right now, as you can see from my previous post, i had a rendered video of a crane moving a box over.

Then for project 2,i'll have to animate it according to my scenario 1.
It's just basically animating it moving boxes and interacting with a bouncing ball.

Ok to start any animation, i'll have prepare my model first.

Ok here i have a normal model without any parenting, constraint,etc.
Just a plain model

Then now we have to set the skeleton joints for the crane to be able to move in a hierarchy.
So i used the Skeleton > Joint tool function to set the points.

And the joints are set :)

Before next is to parent, it is very important to parent it properly before animating, although i'm not very used to the parenting, but i can still put it off :)

First thing to parent is the Crane Arm to the Skeleton
And then for the SwivelBase will be the parent node for the hierarchy so that the crane will turn at the center of the base.

Next is to apple IK to the hierarchy
IK allows you to control the joint rotations in a skeleton using an IK handle
I have to select Skeleton> IK Handle Tool

Next i have to create a locator for my IK handle.What's a locator and why?
The control object controls the movement of the IK Handle using a constraint
So i created it using Create>Locator

Then to constraint the IK Handle, i select Constraint >Point 
But what we get in the end is the Crane head to be facing according to the direction that we are moving or locator, so in this case we have to Constraint > Orient for the Crane head to face down no matter how we move the crane.

Next is to Lock the positions for the crane so that the animation won't get too exaggerating.
We have to lock the Translate X for Armcontrol, Rotate X&Z for the SwivelBase.

 All ready to start my animation now!!

From this exercise i've learnt that it is important to prepare before you start animating anything, because this is to save time and trouble later on.
However,i'm still kind of blur about the parent and constraint function. Hahaha,
I had problems with it for quite a lot of times but luckily with teacher's help i was able to set it properly.
but well i guess with more practices i will master it someday :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Project 2 part 1

Jacker, a robot that does mechanical works everyday. All this time Jacker was alone, maybe because people thinks that he is a robot, but actually he has feelings too. He is starting to get sick a tired of doing the same thing everyday.

Jacker "if only i could stop for at least a day....."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 13 ex4

Exercise 4

1) Apart from their different sizes, it is obvious from Luxo Jr. that the big lamp is “older” and that the small lamp is “younger”. How is this communicated by the animation? Give at least THREE examples.

First example, when the ball rolled towards the big lamp. It doesn't seems to be excited. Where the younger lamp will hop around and chasing over it.
Second example, when the small lamp is chasing over the ball, the big lamp stay at its own position and look at the small lamp as it hop away. It did not follow and all this gave an impression to the audience that it belongs to the mature kind.
Thirdly, after the ball is being flattened, the small lamp look at the big lamp. The big lamp gave a reply by nodding his head, convincing the small lamp that the ball is flattened.

2) Give an example from Luxo Jr of how timing is used for comic effect. Explain how the timing decisions contribute to the humor.

At 0.58, the part where the small lamp jump on the ball and start bouncing on it. Out of a sudden, small lamp just stop his movement. This act make the audience anticipate about what is going to happen next. In a split second, the ball deflated.

3) When you create a joint chain, these form a hierarchy, with the first joint at the top and the last joint at the bottom. Explain why this is necessary for the joints to work properly.

When one wants to control the whole arm, he or she can just select the parent node and the child node will follow. Same goes for animation, if one were to animate the whole arm, be it retracting or turning, one can just select the parent node and shifting it to a desired position and then set key. It would be less hassle rather than selecting each and everything node.
