Exercise 4
1) Apart from their different sizes, it is obvious from Luxo Jr. that the big lamp is “older” and that the small lamp is “younger”. How is this communicated by the animation? Give at least THREE examples.
First example, when the ball rolled towards the big lamp. It doesn't seems to be excited. Where the younger lamp will hop around and chasing over it.
Second example, when the small lamp is chasing over the ball, the big lamp stay at its own position and look at the small lamp as it hop away. It did not follow and all this gave an impression to the audience that it belongs to the mature kind.
Thirdly, after the ball is being flattened, the small lamp look at the big lamp. The big lamp gave a reply by nodding his head, convincing the small lamp that the ball is flattened.
2) Give an example from Luxo Jr of how timing is used for comic effect. Explain how the timing decisions contribute to the humor.
At 0.58, the part where the small lamp jump on the ball and start bouncing on it. Out of a sudden, small lamp just stop his movement. This act make the audience anticipate about what is going to happen next. In a split second, the ball deflated.
3) When you create a joint chain, these form a hierarchy, with the first joint at the top and the last joint at the bottom. Explain why this is necessary for the joints to work properly.
When one wants to control the whole arm, he or she can just select the parent node and the child node will follow. Same goes for animation, if one were to animate the whole arm, be it retracting or turning, one can just select the parent node and shifting it to a desired position and then set key. It would be less hassle rather than selecting each and everything node.